“In those last days, Chamlear VI was predominantly occupied with her research into the Sevenfolded Demi Mahatramar theory, rather than the ever more complex intrigues and fraying alliances of the Grand Siol. Later researchers have concluded that the project, while limited in comparison to many of the time in the involved number of Shapers, did involve one of the first recorded attempts to not only breach the Void, but to manifest something from it. This project concluded much like any other at the time, with widespread devastation and loss of over seventy percent of the second ring city of Hadesmar, and several contemporary high ranking voices recorded with critique of Chamlear VI.

What exactly the underlying theory behind the project entailed is not in any surviving manuscripts or recordings, except for an off handed third party reference to a once prominent Great One within the new Siol. From fragmented descriptions, Undine or Megastratos can be ruled out.
There are no surviving records of the success or failure of the project goals, nor of the goals themselves, some expectations can be inferred from the writings of the lead Shapers involved however.


The notes left by Artamis are more complete than the others, laying out a large mapping at a number of connections between up to seven Geat Ones, and possibly the Grand Junction or the Fulcrum itself. This is one of the best surviving primary sources of the then Grand Siols understanding of greater Void metaphysics, but written in what would now be considered a quite discourteous tone.

The documents are hard to translate, not only due to being written in High Siol, which is understandable enough when using a high grade inlaid fractal parsis with a linked Eidolon containing the underlying grammar memory – but because they are referencing huge swathes of the Great Cormantels now lost writings (often mistakenly referred to as the chronicles of such, but more accurately as several volumes of meta-philosophical texts).

The common conclusion has long been that this greater Mahatramar theory was an entirely esoteric and nearly spiritual text, as was common of the times. Informed by the ever more strained Pure Power situation of the straining Siol empire, attempting to create a concord of competing metaphysical Shaping philosophies. Cormantels writings predating the discovery of modern Shaping forms, which would at the time considered the very foundation of Siol thought. However, comparing the notes of Chamlear VI and Artamis there are several inconsistencies, the later being focused more on practical preparations for the great work in question and being written from the assumptions supporting the common view on the topic, while Chamlears notes contain many inclusions that would not be consistent with our understanding of the then dominant Cormantist dogma.

I find her writings inconsistent with any orthodox world view, and filled with faulty thinking that even today would bring about the harshest of sanctions. Naturally, I cannot repeat her direct writings here. Chamlears notes are much more fragmented, incomplete and I must note, contradictory. Unconcerned with the consequences of the not only possible surrounding cascade effects in the event of a failure but also from a complete successful Breach formation according to her own surviving conclusions. Yet on the other hand, all other notes display an urgency that is not supported by any corroborating research notes from the others involved in this project. Her expectations appear mismatch with the limited scope of the project, yet are written with a certain triumphal cadence.

It is as if she knew something the others did not, yet all her surviving papers that – unlike the other researchers and those of Artamis- would bring up foundational aspirations and background information for the project, are filled with winding Cormantist litanies, stanzas and axioms. Intersected by Chamlears own well known (and quite elegant) poetry. Perhaps some form of code, as said axioms are often in direct opposition, and when laid out in the entirety of the remaining sixth volume of papers, form a fearfull attractive symmetry.
The thousands of Chamlearists that would throw themselves to their deaths shortly after her murder would certainly agree.”

– From the uncompleted Obsession of Chamlear VI, written during the new fifth century, when the used source materials were still available. Nothing is written of the unnamed author, except for the recording of a finger.