I’ve now put up the collected vol1 of KWK, you can buy it on my gumroad here for 10 bucks: https://leflair.gumroad.com/l/kwk or back me on patreon and get access to a backer discount code. Whatever method you feel like for supporting my humble work.

A new character illustration for the “Warder” class that appeared back in 2018, for the “Falter Star” RPG.

Got a new character primer for you, Ashes of Landale finally! She last appeared back in page 205 or so (and way back in the first dozen pages too!) and I’ve gathered together the little lore pieces for her background that have been drip-fed. Trying to keep it somewhat spoiler free for new readers happening upon the character pages, but should give you an idea what she’s about.
While waiting for the next page it’s time for something completely different!
And by different I mean a friendly(?) eldritch horror.
I recently completed this commission for the author of the Grey Day series (check them out if “Darkweird” tickles your fancy), enjoy:

Been a while since I posted a message here but I’ve been a busy bee both with the comic, commissions and sprite-art (and well, my real full time job as well) but that’s just excuses. Here’s an update: KWK 252 is pencilled and I’m in the process of inking it. It’s a… expensive page as far as time investment goes, lots of characters. Lots.
Oh dear
As usual, previews and quicker updates can be had on le discord.